Condition Monitoring & Diagnostics
PROGNOSIS is a customizable hardware and software platform that enables the monitoring, diagnostic and prognostic of machinery and industrial plants. The platform allows of predicting and preventing possible failures or degradation of the performance of overall plants or individual components.
Main features
- Continuous capture of analog and digital signals (both quasi-statics and dynamics)
- Generating outout signals (analog and digital)
- Modularity and configurability
- Compatibility with National Instruments and third-party hardwares
- Compatibility with the most common industrial communication protocols (Modbus, OPC, EGD, UDP, etc….) for interface to SCADA and plant PLC
- Configurable and customizable views
- Dynamic signal analysis (vibrations, ultrasounds, pulsations, torsional vibrations, etc.)
- quasi-static signals processing, with extensive library of operations and functions (also for calculating machine or plant performances)
- Predictive and prognostic algorithms and models: Anomaly detection, GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model), One-Class SVM (Support Vector Machine), PCA (Principal Components Analysis), SOM-MQE (Self-Organizing Map), ARMA, ARMAX, ecc…
- AWS and AZURE cloud platform compatibility
The software suite is composed of five main applications that can talk to each other:
Data Acquisition Manager
The application is the collector of the slow-variable data that coming from various sources (acquisition instrumentation, industrial protocol for PLC, DCS, SCADAS, etc…). The application provides also the storing of the data with settable periodicity
Mathematical Elaboration Tool
Application with big library of mathematical, algebraic and thermodynamic functions (gas property gas turbine performance, steam turbine performance, ecc…). The application receives as an input the primary data coming from the DAM and returns the data elaborated
Field M&D
Field Monitoring & Diagnostic
Application that allows of acquisitions of dynamic signals (vibrations, pressure pulsations, acoustics, etc…) and to interface to the dynamic acquisition instrumentations. The application, permit to operate autonomously thanks to real-time systems or acquisition boards. The application allows the republish of the elaborated dynamic signals (i.e. overall vibration, RMS, etc…) on the industrial protocol Modbus TCP/IP, in order to permit to the DAM application, the storing.
Diagnostic & Prognostic Tool
Application that utilize algorithms, neural nets and mathematical models for the calculus and the running of diagnostic and prognostic of the monitored asset
Multi View Interface
This application visualizes all the data coming from the various sources and applications above mentioned. The application allows the visualization of the real-time and the stored data. It’s possible to configurate and customize the visualization interface base of the user’s needs.
Various types of visualization are available: trend plot, synoptic, X/Y plot, FFT, Waveform, radar plot, etc …
This application is also the main component of the Thermal Plant Evaluator, the SINT Technology’s software platform dedicated to power plant performance monitoring and diagnostics