The course is aimed at engineers and technicians involved in selecting and installing strain gauges, in performing tests and in processing measurement results; it includes theoretical and practical instructions.
Training program:
- Mechanics of materials
- Mechanics of solids
- Electrical resistance strain gage design and layout
- Strain gage selection criteria and specification
- Preparing, installing and checking strain gages
- Measurement instruments
- Measurement circuits
- Processing and correcting the results
- Measurement theory and uncertainty
A second level certificate is issued depending on the outcome of an examination following the course. To qualify for the examination, candidates must have attended the course and have gained a minimum experience in strain gauge measurement of about 2-6 months, depending on educational qualifications.
Certification is extremely important as:
- It demonstrates ability to perform strain gage measurements
- The accuracy of measurements greatly depends on the knowledge, skill and sensitivity of the measurement engineer.
The course and the examination are conducted in accordance with standard EN ISO 9712:2012 – Non-destructive testing – Qualification and certification of NDT personnel.