Field M&D
Software able to acquire, elaborate and display dynamic and static signals compatible with several National Instruments hardware devices.
The software provides a user-friendly interface comprising the following sections:
- Explorer, for the visualization of acquired and processed data
- Setup, for the settings of hardware, acquisition, recording and processing parameters
- Signals monitoring and data recording management window
- Post Process, for processing of recorded raw data
The software provides advanced signals visualization and processing capabilities, for both generic and specific signals (Vibration analysis, Rotodynamic, Bump Test etc.). Main features:
- Compatibility with numerous National Instruments modular systems
- High number of channels acquisition
- Multiple cDAQ chassis synchronization (using the NI 9469 synchronization module)
- Measurement unit management
- Optimization for visualization of huge data volumes
- Real time processing and visualization
- Raw data recording (streaming) and post processing
- Tools for vibration analysis (signal integration/derivation, time and frequency analysis, order analysis, filtered and unfiltered orbit, FRF, waterfall, etc.)
- Export of acquired or processed signals in the main standard formats
- Import of raw data from text file acquired by third party systems
- Configurable functions for data analysis
- Customizable interface and signal processing through selectable toolkits