New version of the ASTM E837 standard

A new version of the ASTM E837 method for the strain-gage hole-drilling residual stress measurement has been recently released by the ASTM commission. The new version, dated 2020, supersedes the old one released during the 2013.

Additional information can be found in the dedicated page of the ASTM E837-20 standard (

The main improvements of this new version of the standard are related to the residual stress calculation mainly in case of intermediate depth: this is an important issue in order to extend the capability of the hole drilling method also to low-thickness metal sheets.

The implementation of the intermediate calculation case is done both for uniform and not-uniform residual stress distributions.

The practical steps of the hole drilling measurement remain the same as in the past and for this reason the MTS3000-Restan System is still fully compliant with the new version of the standard.

SINT Technology is still working on the ASTM E837-20 in order to prepare an updated version of the EVAL software and the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation of its laboratory according to this new version of the standard.

Further information can be found on the page dedicated to the standard (