SINT Technology will be present at the 11th International Conference on Residual Stresses which will take place in Nancy from 27th – 30th March 2022.
The conference is open to scientists, students, and engineers interested in the prediction, evaluation, control, and application of residual stresses.
The Conference will focus on the measurement, modelling, and utilization of residual stress/strain data.
Both the engineering and scientific aspects of these topics, such as the influence of residual stress fields on distortion, material response to loading, damage initiation and propagation, component performance, life and failure, will be discussed.
Here below some topics to be addressed during this edition of the Conference:
- Measurement methods
- Modelling methods
- Residual stresses in manufacturing processes (such as heat treatments, surface treatments, casting, additive technologies and welding)
- Residual stresses in advanced materials
- Residual stresses, Internal stresses and microstructures
- Consequences of residual stresses
For further information you can visit the official website ICRS 11